Thursday, November 7, 2013

Spain has first MERS case; woman went to Hajj

November 6, 2013
The woman was already sick before she left the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a World Health Organization expert said Wednesday.
“She became symptomatic while she was in KSA,” said Dr. Anthony Mounts, the WHO’s point person for the new virus, a cousin of the coronavirus that caused the 2003 SARS outbreak.
“We understand that she did perform the Hajj and came back and was admitted to hospital in Spain and was tested there.”
It appears the woman had some contact with the health-care system while in Saudi Arabia, but the details of that are not yet clear.
“I believe that she was checked, but I don’t think that she was so severe at that time,” said Mounts.
“I don’t know anything about whether or not they tested there. … That’s one of the things that we’re still trying to get information on.”

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