Monday, December 10, 2012

Indonesia: About 50% of Duck Population Has Died From Bird Flu #H5N1 in Last 10 Days

SUKABUMI - About 50 percent of the population of ducks in Indonesia have died from bird flu disease. The spread of the virus H5NI happened in the last ten days of the alleged existence of ducks imported.

According to Ade, the bird flu attack this time was the vicious than ever before.Moreover, cases of death in ducks in large numbers just happened in the past month.
Data from the Association of Local Poultry Farmers Indonesia (Himpuli) states, the total duck population is maintained rancher reach as many as 53 million birds.
Indonesia Sentra most ducks in a number of places including Cirebon West Java, Central Java and East Java. "The case of ducks died of bird flu spread in some areas,'' said Chairman of the Central Board (DPP) Himpuli, Ade M Zulkarnain, told Reuters on Monday (10/12).
For example in Cirebon, Brebes, Starch, Mojokerto, Blitar, Tulungagung, and Pasuruan. In fact, the duck population in Pati, Central Java, died about 85 per cent of the total population. While the duck deaths from bird flu in Sukabumi undiscovered.

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