Thursday, May 10, 2012

Boy Allegedly "Suspect" Bird Flu #H5N1 #BIRDFLU

Singaraja (Bali Post) - Singaraja (Bali Post) -

A boy from the village of District Tamblang Kubutambahan, Putu Rad (13), undergoing intensive care in hospitals Buleleng since Wednesday (9/5) last. The boy suspected suspect bird flu because in the neighborhood occurred the death of dozens of chicken that tested positive for bird flu.
The information collected in hospitals Buleleng, Thursday (10/5) yesterday, said Putu Rad accompanied by his biological father, Made Pasma, treated in a special isolation room patient suspect bird flu.

In the isolation room was not random people who were allowed entry by hospital staff to prevent possible undesirable.
In fact, a number of journalists who tried to take a picture of the patient's condition is not authorized by the parents of patients. While the Head of Service, dr. Nengah Kastawa seizin Direktur RSUD Buleleng dr. Nengah Kastawa permission from the Director of Hospital Buleleng dr. Nyoman Nyoman explained mardana Rad Putu patients admitted to hospital on Wednesday (9/5) and at 10:20 pm.
During the observation in hospitals Buleleng, Putu Rad handled by dr. Ketut Budiasa, Sp.A. Ketut Budiasa, Sp.A.
The patient arrived with a letter of referral from health centers Kubutambahan with the characteristics of contracting bird flu virus. With that condition, hospital doctors and treat patients according to SOPs treatment bird flu patients. Of the diagnosis, doctors at the hospital have not dared to make sure whether it's Rad Putu patient suspect bird flu or the common cold.

To ensure the patient's illness, the treating doctor is still awaiting results of laboratory tests of samples that are being studied in Mol Bio Lab School of Medicine (FK) Udayana University.
"After the patient entered the hospital, we have performed according to standard operating handling handling patient suspect bird flu. However, from the initial diagnosis, the patient suffered from pneumonia (bronhia asthma). And after we had a stable body temperature observations and to ensure the disease, we are still waiting sample results, "he said.

According Kastawa, Putu Rad alleged patient suspect bird flu because of the condition of the environment in their homes. There had been a dead chicken's people around by way of a sudden. In fact, observations by the officers of the Department of Agriculture and Livestock (Distanak) Buleleng declared dead chickens tested positive contracted bird flu. This suspicion makes the patient's family worried about contracting the H5N1 virus Putu is Rad. "Indeed, from the information the patient's family a death in a positive chicken bird flu, so that the patient's family worried that the patient contracted the bird flu virus," he explained.

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