Tuesday, March 13, 2012

BENGKULU People are sick but birds are negative #H5N1 #BIRDFLU

,,This guy says no worries..not bird flu.. nope..ain't gonna happen..must be feeding time..

Wed, Mar 14th, 2012
   Distracted Dinaskeswan
  `BENGKULU, BE - bird flu cases to emerge claimed casualties is quite surprising. Moreover, the number of suspected victims who continue to fall and the phenomenon of chickens died suddenly, the bird flu becomes increasingly making new terror in the province of Bengkulu. Head of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health (Disnakeswan) Provincial Irianto drh if Abdullah did not expect to be plagued Bengkulu bird flu virus.
 He also assumed for this negative Bengkulu bird flu.  Although recent years have chickens that died suddenly, but when research is done by officers, the result is negative.  "So do not think, until suddenly there was the victim died of bird flu positive," he said. He confirmed poultry deaths although very much but all expressed negative bird flu.  New bird flu incident happened this time.  "I think we are a little carried away, because all this negative bird flu," he admits. Against bird case occurred recently, it has come down to the field.  In addition to the vaccine spraying disinfectant, as well as to disseminate the community.
  "County / City required the active role of outreach to the community," he said.  Stressed, efforts to reduce the risk of an outbreak of bird flu is to disseminate correct information about the handling of bird flu.  "Experience has shown when people get the right information it is not uncommon to the people themselves can then disseminate the information to deal with various issues including bird flu," he added.  Associated virus is disturbing that people should always know what the bird flu and what actions can be done to avoid the dangers of bird flu.  "The pace of socialization is to depannyang will be increased," he said.

-He acknowledged the bird flu has been constrained budget.  "This government should have a budget for the District and the City.  Some time ago, we have collected, signed a collective agreement, in the prevention of bird flu.  All ready budgeted but in fact, to date only a small proportion of budget, "he said.  Irianto said the budget of bird flu is very important because it involves the safety of the community.  "Everyone can be exposed, therefore, takes the seriousness of the joint fight against bird flu," he explained.  Regarding the budget, Deputy Chairman of Commission IV of the Provincial Parliament Rahimandani MA said that if considered indispensable, the future will be budgeted for the prevention of bird flu virus.  "Right now the government should quickly tackle bird flu.  Prevention efforts must be made quickly. This year was not budgeted, but it can be budgeted in the budget changes, "he concluded

  Wait Lab Results
. Elsewhere, patients suspect bird flu Ade (21) residents and Yoko Dahri Gardens (22) are still anxious. Because the results of laboratory tests on blood sample collection for both of them have also come down.  Even so the conditions are both getting better. The heat continued to decline, and also the normal peneceranan.  Team doctors continue to provide inspection and suggested that the patient can consume more water.  "We mean that the patient can consume more water to improve body metaboliosme.  To feed themselves, still have to consume a soft, "the nurse said the doctor, dr Yohens. Today he said it was still not sure whether positive or negative infected with H5N1.  It is not known with certainty, whether the patient is currently isolated from other patients in the Myrtle.  "The action in case we still do in dealing with patients to officially drop the lab results," he explained. (100/160) http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=id&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://bengkuluekspress.com/dinaskeswan-terlena/&usg=ALkJrhiJ3tVT-6MPW6jMr9OEM85_9ofw2w

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