Tuesday, January 10, 2012

TOPICS: The possibility of human bird flu transmission

 Jakarta, (Analysis).  Suspected cases of bird flu in North Jakarta to make the government back to busy to look for preventive measures. Salah satunya, kemungkinan adanya penularan flu burung antarmanusia. One of them, the possibility of human transmission of bird flu.
 "We'll stay tuned because we fear there are indications globally is likely to be among human to human transmission," said Minister of Agriculture Suswono at the State Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday (10 / 1). 
Suswono sure until now that worry has not been proven. But as a precaution, it continues to monitor the latest development of this deadly disease.

  "What we worry about the case in Hong Kong what transmission to humans or animals to humans," he explained.

Politicians Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) explains, Indonesia is not yet free of bird flu.  Sepengetahuanya, North Maluku only free of the disease known as avian influenza.

For prevention, the public can report early on when there is a sudden discovery of dead birds. Kecepatan informasi bisa membantu proses penanganan wabah. The speed of information can help the process of handling the outbreak.

"If there is a dead chicken to report, not covered up. Especially if there are chickens died and the case concerned ill, the information should be even faster," imbaunya. 


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