Friday, October 14, 2011

On the lookout at General Hospital of West Nusa Tenggara Province

They are watching Bali hard..

Friday, October 14, 2011 16:18 - anwar Report dockNTB RSUP OBSERVATIONS INCREASE PATIENT BIRD FLU SYMPTOMS

Mataram, 14/10 (AFP) - Medical experts and paramedics at the General Hospital of West Nusa Tenggara Province, increasing the observation of patients who show symptoms of the virus of bird flu or Avian Influenza. "Observations of bird flu patient's symptoms improved to anticipate the spread of bird flu from the island of Bali," said Director of the Provincial General Hospital (Dr) West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) dr H Then Mawardi Hamri, who was accompanied by Head of Service, dr H Hamzi Then, in Mataram, Friday.
He said, every patient who entered the department of NTB will be watched carefully especially those showing symptoms of bird flu, such as high fever, respiratory and abdominal complaints.
Patients with symptoms will be immediately given the antiviral drugs H5N1 or type of drug that can inhibit the replication of neuramidase (neuramidase inhibitors), such as Oseltamivir (tamiflu) and zanamivir. However, antiviral drugs that have side effects and should be given within a certain time so that the necessary opinion doctor.
"In addition to the hospital, antiviral drugs is also provided at various health centers to be easily accessible to patients with symptoms of bird flu. Stock is still a lot and when we asked again out in the center," he said.
Mawardi said, serious observation of the patient's symptoms of bird flu was carried out at the entrance to patient care as in intalasi Emergency Department (ER), and other treatment rooms, but especially new patients because the patients had been diagnosed a long course.
Especially for referral of patients who suffered from bird flu, can be directly taken to the installation space on the second floor of the department of NTB, without having to pass through the ER room.
"We are ready to serve patients of bird flu, as the only hospital in the province who berkewenangan handle bird flu patient referrals," he said.
According to Mawardi, since 2009 the department of NTB have a special team handling bird flu patients consisted of specialist physicians, such as pulmonary specialists, ENT, children, medicine (internist) and radiology.
Special team handling bird flu can not be dissolved because until now Indonesia still categorized countries 'suspect' bird flu. In fact, more and more areas have been identified bird flu as Bali, a neighboring province.
RSUP NTB has also supported a number of special equipment handling bird flu patients, but has not been used because not a single bird flu positive patients, except for some who are "suspect" or unexpected.
Isolation rooms are also available, but has been used for other patients who need care in a special room.
"So, we are ready to serve patients of bird flu. From the aspect of human resources, equipment and isolation rooms are available," says Mawardi.
Mawardi admit, a serious observation of patients with symptoms of bird flu was considered important because Bali has been infected, and there are indications the spread of bird flu on the island of Lombok, which is known from the results of laboratory analysis of blood sempel hundreds of chickens that died suddenly at the Praya and Pringgarata, District Central Lombok, since last week.

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