Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Indonesia: Patients Await Lab Result - Conditions Improved

Wednesday, September 7, 2011 1:41 pm

Ten patients suspect bird flu from the City Kotamobagu treated at the Hospital Prof. Kandou Malalayang not allowed to go home.

According to the Chief Medical Officer Dr. Maxi Rondonuwu Flammable DHSM conditions to the ten patients had improved but still needs insulation because waiting for results of laboratory tests of the Center for Health Research and Development (Puslitbangkes) Center on Tuesday (09/06/2011).

"Five minutes ago I just see patients, they can already sing-sing, the roads, but remain in the isolation room," he said.

Currently, all patients had no fever and no shortness of breath, even a pregnant woman is one of the 10 patients the condition had recovered.
However, special treatment is performed, doses of tamiflu drug is given by Maxi adapted to the conditions of pregnant women. "Medics, they already know and are trained in handling," said kadinkes.

He added that what is done perupakan fixed procedures (SOPs) and aiming for zero percent mortality. The sooner the better handled there was no shortness of heat no longer be active but in an isolated room.
Currently just waiting for the results of examination of Puslitbangkes Center, where the negative can be directly repatriated.

In addition to the handling of the patient suspect bird flu, officials of North Sulawesi Health Office has been doing outreach to surrounding communities. Most important to socialize so that people increasingly have to keep cleaning kesaradaran clean environment, lest any cattle sheds behind the house because it is not good for health.

Then when there is sudden and there were dead birds with flu after direct contact with poultry or poultry in the vicinity, immediately contact the village or local health officer. "It's SOPs we take the patient directly, we will not take risks," he explained.

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