Monday, January 10, 2011

#Egypt: HM: No Mutation with #H5N1 or #H1N1 #Swine flu

Mountain: No mutation of the virus and swine influenza .. والمواطن أصبح "ما بيخافش" And the citizen has become a "what Bejafsh"

Denied Dr. Hatem the Minister of Health, and the presence of any mutation of the avian influenza virus or swine, warning at the same time the state of lack of seriousness, which deals with the virus by a citizen, and became his own words, "What Bejafsh." جاء ذلك خلال اجتماع لجنة الصحة بمجلس الشعب اليوم لمناقشة ما تم فى برنامج الرئيس الانتخابى. This came during a meeting of the People's Assembly Health Committee today to discuss what was in the electoral program of President.


The minister said that 98% of people living with HIV from a ranch houses, praising the role that their poultry farms to vaccinate themselves and improve their diversity.
وأكد الوزير أن فيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير لم يحدث به أى تحور حتى الآن، مشيرا إلى انخفاض أعداد الوفيات من 812 حالة فى العام الماضى، إلى 109 حالات وفاة فقط، وكانت أغلب الوفيات تنحصر فى عمر 15 إلى 25 عاما فى العام الماضى، وأصبح أغلبها هذا العام لمن هم فوق 65 عاما، أى أن الفيروس يختار أصحاب المناعات الضعيفة.
The minister confirmed that the swine flu virus have not found any mutation so far, pointing to the decrease the number of deaths of 812 cases in the last year, to 109 deaths only, and the deaths are confined at the age of 15 to 25 years in the past year, and became the most this year those who are over 65 years, ie that the virus holders choose Immunities vulnerable.
وأضاف أن موسم الأنفلونزا فى مصر يبدأ مع نهاية شهر أكتوبر، وتصل ذروتها فى نهاية شهر ديسمبر، ثم تبدا فى الانحسار من شهر يناير إلى فبراير، مؤكدا أن الجسم البشرى بدأ يتعرف على هذا الفيروس و"يقرأه".
He added that the influenza season in Egypt starts with the end of October, and peaking at the end of the month of December, then begin to decline from January to February, asserting that the human body began to recognize the virus and "read".

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