Saturday, January 1, 2011

Egypt: 23rd Death In Dakahlia From #H1N1 #Swine Flu

Increased deaths in the province of Dakahlia, because of emerging influenza "swine flu N1H1" to 23 cases after the death of a citizen today called Adaweya Ibrahim Dessouky, which confirmed the central laboratory of the Ministry of Health infected with the virus, and placed inside an isolation room and given the drug Tamiflu, but that he died this morning .

وكان الدكتور محمد أيمن رجب، وكيل وزارة الصحة بالدقهلية، قد أعلن يوم الأربعاء الماضى، أن عدد الوفيات فى المحافظة وصل إلى 22 حالة فقط، وعدد الإصابات وصلت إلى 1171 إصابة.

Dr. Ayman Mohamed Ragab, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Dakahlia, announced last Wednesday that the number of deaths in the county reached only 22 cases, and the number of injuries and reached to 1171 cases.

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