Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Indonesia: H5N1 Poultry Penajam, Balikpapan

December 7, 2010
Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Marine (DP3K) Penajam North Paser (PPU), back to destroy 200 chickens in the village of Bukit Subur, Kecamatan Penajam after tested positive for bird flu or H5N1. Tak hanya itu. Not only that. Sebanyak 650 ekor ayam yang berada di desa itu juga akan dimusnahkan untuk menghindari penyebaran penyakit ini. A total of 650 chickens in the village would also be destroyed to avoid spreading the disease.

Hal ini diungkapkan Kepala DP3K, Manahara Simanjuntak, Senin (6/12/2010). This was disclosed DP3K Head, Manahara Simanjuntak, Monday (12/06/2010). Manahara mengatakan, 200 ekor ayam itu tiba-tiba mati. Manahara say, 200 chickens had suddenly died. "Pemiliknya menghubungi kami untuk diperiksa. Setelah diperiksa ternyata memang positif flu burung," katanya. "The owner contact us for review. After review of bird flu was indeed positive," he said.

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