Thursday, December 16, 2010

Egypt #H5N1 Discovery of Case #114

Thursday, December 16, 2010 - 17:03

Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health, it has been the discovery of human cases of bird flu to a lady at the age of 25 years in Behera governorate, pointing out that this situation is 114 since the onset of the disease in Egypt.

وأوضح الدكتور عبد الرحمن شاهين أن السيدة المذكورة دخلت أحد مستشفيات محافظة البحيرة وهى تعانى ارتفاعاً فى درجة الحرارة وكحة ورشح، وذلك عقب تعرضها لطيور يشتبه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، كما اتضح أنها تعانى درناً رئوياً، وأنه قد تم إعطاؤها عقار التاميفلو وأصبحت حالتها الصحية مستقرة. Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, that Ms. mentioned entered a hospital in the province lake which is suffering a rise in temperature, cough and running, and that after being exposed to birds suspected of being infected with bird flu, as it turns out that they suffer Derna pneumonia, and that he had been given the drug Tamiflu, and become stable condition .

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