Monday, October 11, 2010

Indonesia: H1N1 Statistics

The ATTACK of the flu virus, including the virus of H1N1 A (pig flu), more often attacked humankind in the young age (10-14 years) in Indonesia. In the case H1N1 that spread the middle of this year, happened 265 cases in the age 10-14 years, followed the age 212 cases in 15-19 years. This statistical figure was sent by the Head of the Pulmonologi Department and Indonesian Medicine of Respiration of the University School Of Medicine (FKUI), Dr Priyanti Z Soepandi SpP (K), in the Pulmonologi Update Symposium 2009 in the Imperial Hotel the Ambassador, Makassar, on Saturday (10/10).

This symposium was the series from the appointment of the Pulmonologi Part and Medical Respirasi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin (FK Unhas). Beforehand, the part pulmonologi was the Pulmonologi Bagian Penyakit Dalam FK Unhas Subdivision. According to Priyanti, to the adult, the group involved a high risk was attacked by this flu virus was gotten to the asthma sufferer and PPOK, the woman was pregnant, obesity, the other chronic illness sufferer, and malnutrition.

Results of observation in the field also showed the virus H1N1 evidently was not dominated by the foreign citizen available in Indonesa. Precisely, the Indonesian citizen who often was affected by the case H1N1. Pig flu stirred up the world after late last March in Mexico it was reported the existence of the findings suspek H1N1 to humankind totalling 3,852 people. The organisation of the health of the world, WHO, afterwards dismissed warning that this virus entered the pandemic in the phase of five from last April 29. However, on June 11 afterwards was stated as the phase pandemic of six. In Indonesia, the sufferer who was handled totalling 1,055 cases, including 16 cases in South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi). From this number, eight sufferers died. The area that often was the Special Capital District of Jakarta with 326 cases following East Java totalling 183 cases, and Banten 140 cases. "Sejak the case H1N1 this spread, emerged the view if that was carried by the foreign citizen. But, from the research evidently was not like this, said Dr Priyanti that also was assigned in SMF Paru RS Persahabatan Jakarta.

From 1,055 cases in Indonesia, only 64 that attacked WNA. Selebihnya pengidap was WNI. Demikian Juga Dengan the resident who went out of the country that was infected H1N1 was recorded by 168 people. "Whereas that was unclear or did not have the story overseas totalling 887 cases."

The other step was to be the microbiology inspection. Just a few patients that got antibiotika before entering the hospital, but being gotten empiema, pneumonia necrotizing, the bacterial co-infection, and VAP. Kelompok that involved a high risk were affected H1N1 from the patient who was treated was what was suffer asthma and PPOK that is as many as 37-41 percent, the woman was pregnant 9-17 percent, resistance penurun totalling 13-20 percent, was sick the heart 12-17 percent, and under age two years 18 percent. In H1N1 that was heavy with his picture pneumonia was the same as bird flu. The maintenance of the patient in the house by giving the drink of the liquid like the pure water, broth water, the OR drink, the liquid that contained electrolytes) to prevent dehydration. "Be closed with tisu if the cough and sneezed." Wash the hands with soap or alcohol after batukbersin. Avoid contact with the other person, rested, was on the alert with the sign emergensi that needed attention of the medic, explained Priyanti.

Apart from Priyanti, the Professor FKUI, Prof Dr Dr Faisal Yunus PhD SpK (K) also became the speaker in the symposium that was attended by the Dean FK Unhas Prof Dr Irawan Yusuf PhD, Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Chairman FK Unhas Prof Dr Syakin Bakri, Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia Chairman, Ketua TK PPDS FK Unhas Prof Dr Dr Syamsu SpPD-KAI, and several other invitations. (apriani struck)

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