Monday, September 27, 2010

Thousands of Bird Flu Chickens Destroyed, Village isolated

MONDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER 2010 19:46 pm

Lutra Pemkab Siagakan 24 Hour Health Officer
Masamba - Virus and Avian Influenza (AI) that cause outbreaks of bird flu hit North Luwu. Local Health Department found no positive thousands of chickens infected with dangerous viruses. The findings were obtained in the Village District Patila Bone-bone.

Lutra health office immediately perform culling of chickens infected with arson positive. Destruction performed Saturday night at the farm location one resident in the village of Patila.

At least 4000 laying hens were burned in these extermination. This was done to avoid spreading the virus to other farms to humans even around the infected cattle. Head of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture of North Luwu, Armiadi, which confirmed confirmed the infected chickens in the area and on their Destruction.

The findings of bird flu infected chickens that had been there since 18 September last. Animal Husbandry Department received a report 40 chickens in one cage farms in the village Patila citizens who die suddenly.

Then September 19 to 21, about 400 chickens in the same cage again sudden death. "The climax last night we did the destruction by burning at least 4000 laying hens are positively infected burned along the cage," said Armiadi. The total number of infected chickens found in North Luwu itself has reached at least 6000 chickens in three cages.

Regent North Luwu, Andi Herry Iskandar, who confirmed this afternoon, Sunday, September 26, said it had made several attempts to avoid the spread of Avian Influenza is a virus.

"We've done the destruction last night. In addition, I also had ordered the spraying in several locations that are considered prone to contracting the virus," said Herrera on his cell phone.

In addition, Herrera said, the institute has also conducted isolasoi in place that found the virus in question. "Public Health has also made the isolation of the place (Village Patila, ed)," he said. Ten houses around the chicken pen found with the virus closely watched by the Department of Health and the local Animal Husbandry Department.

"I have ordered health officials to alert Patila 24 hours in the village since the night before, to anticipate teburuk happened," said Herrera. Earlier in the East Luwu, also found at least 24 thousand positive chickens infected with avian influenza.

The chickens are scattered in nine districts namely, District Wotu, Burau, Tomoni, Mangkutana, Kalaena, Malili, Wasuponda, East Tomoni, and Angkona.

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