Monday, September 6, 2010

Rabies on Bali update (Sep)

Friday, 3 September, 2010

The rabies situation in Bali does not appear to be improving.

The total number of deaths officially reported since the outbreak began at the end of 2008 is now 78. So far no tourist has been involved. The number of dog-bites has increased steeply in the last several months; 36,000 dog-bite incidents in Bali so far this year, this compares with 24,000 for the whole of 2009.

Travellers to Bali should be aware of the rabies risk, and the frequent lack of rabies immunoglobulin (used for treatment following a bite) on the island as well as a shortage of rabies vaccine. Rabies pre-exposure vaccination may be considered. This will require three vaccinations over a period of a month before travel. Animal contact should be avoided. If bitten the wound must be immediately cleansed preferably with antiseptic . If already vaccinated booster vaccination is still required but there is time to arrange this. If bitten and not vaccinated immunoglobulin plus vaccination is needed and when there is doubt about the supply immediate evacuation to Singapore or Australia should take place.

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