Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bird Flu Virus Plague in Tulungagung

Archipelago / Thursday, September 23, 2010 20:28 AM,
Tulungagung: bird flu virus is endemic in Tulungagung, East Java. Suspected cause unstable weather. "Weather is erratic aggravate the risk of transmission of bird flu virus," said the head of the Animal Husbandry Department of Animal Health in Tulungagung, Tatik Andayani, Thursday (23 / 9).

According Tatik, until now at least twice already found cases of bird flu poultry attacking citizens. The first case occurred in Hamlet Doropayung, Doroampel Village, District Sumbergempol, Thursday last week.

At that time, at least 23 residents of the village chickens suddenly died suddenly after experiencing flu-like symptoms. After examination of meat samples and saliva / mucus chicken that died confirmed the cause was bird flu virus.

"Based on these findings, we then perform sterilization by way of spraying disinfectant in the areas surrounding the discovery of bird flu outbreaks until a radius of one kilometer," said Tatik.

The second case reported Pinggirsari Village, District Ngantru, even worse. At least 45 residents of the village chickens died suddenly due to bird flu.

Actions have also been carried out sterilization, but this time only limited in the cage area where the discovery of dozens of residents who attacked chicken deadly virus.

"It has been going on since before Idul Fitri and we'd already done the handling procedure," he said.

In addition will still continue to occur in almost all regions, inland trade of poultry, domestic poultry, especially chicken and intercity influence the high risk of transmission of viruses that can infect the human body.

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