Sunday, July 4, 2010

Prevent Flu Pandemic Pigs in West Kalimantan

Friday, July 2, 2010 23:10 pm

NOT subsided potential pandemic of bird flu (H5N1) in Pontianak, new threats emerge no less deadly.

Medical Response Team Coordinator for Avian Influenza and Avian Pig Dr Soedarso, Dr. Abdul Salam and Dr. Dedet Hidayah SpA, Friday (2 / 7), reveals the fact the entry of swaine flu (swine flu) in the City of Equatoria.

Two boys who initially suspected suspect bird flu, virus type A positive is infected, the virus of classical swine influenza H1N1 serotypes. Drums of death in Kalbar bertalu tub (continuous tube???). Although the case fatality rate (CFR) swine flu in Indonesia in 2005, only 2.5 percent compared to the bird flu reaches 80 percent, does not mean harmless swine flu.

Degree of swine flu fatality in fact be''executioner''harshest in the world. When rocked Spain in 1918-1920, claimed 20 million to 100 million lives. H1N1 pandemic in history. 56 Years later, Pandemic destabilize other parts of the world, including in the U.S..

Last year, it deadly virus broke out in Mexico and spread to various countries. World Health Organization (WHO) noted that as of May 2, 2009, swine flu attacked 16 countries. Among Mexico, U.S., UK, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and Indonesia. In our country, swine flu detected since July 24, 2009.

MOH noted two positive patients swine flu. One pilot was treated at the Sulianti Saroso Infectious Disease Hospital, after returning from Australia and Hong Kong, only British citizens during a visit to Bali. Since then the country is haunted by the swine flu pandemic.

Within five days, the Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, recorded 444 cases. Swine flu attacked seven provinces, began to DKI Jakarta, East Java, Yogyakarta, West Java, Banten, Bali, up North.

Swine flu pandemic is the greatest risk of inviting large-scale, since the outbreak of avian flu re-emerged in 2003. Swine flu fatality rate is smaller than the CFR avian influenza, but H1N1 virus can be transmitted from pigs to humans, and from human to human.

As a result of this transmission pattern, swine flu much faster and more powerful than the spread of bird flu around the world. Until now there has been no transmission of bird flu from human to human.

Bird flu is transmitted only from birds to humans, relatively limited distribution and quickly disconnected. Prevention is also focused on culling poultry. Prevention of swine flu hard to detect, due to the high mobility of people from one place to another place in the world.

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