Monday, May 3, 2010

Swine disease caused by Streptococcus

03/05/2010 15:42

A patient infected with streptococcus bacteria treated pigs - Photo: Ngoc Thang

Disease caused by swine streptococcus bacteria cause sudden changes quickly, the disease can be fatal if not treated promptly.
TS-BS Nguyen Van Kinh, director of the hospital (hospital) Diseases of tropical countries, said the recent appearance of cases of hospitalized patients infected by swine streptococcus bacteria. These cases are currently in the local epidemic ear diseases such as Hanoi, Hai Duong, Hai Phong, Hung Yen, Thai Nguyen ...

Male patients are the heart of sales situation, more soup (home in Thanh Tri district, Hanoi), treated at the hospital said: "Tuesday morning before I saw the hospital three days cold hands and feet and then run very high fever , over 39 degrees C. Severe headache, stiff neck neck pain. When the house is diagnosed with encephalitis caused by the bacteria infect pigs. I've never been like that, before my very healthy. " Now the home of Nguyen Van T. patients (Thai Nguyen) said, three days after eating pork, T. signs of disease. T. to hospital in a state of very high fever, coma. Throughout the two legs were bleeding so black to gray, peeling. After 2 weeks of treatment, his memory began to recover but a very weak condition.

Dr-Dr Nguyen Van Kinh, previous hospitalization, the case of pigs infected with streptococcus bacteria are exposed to infected pigs, swine meat, use of processed foods has not been thoroughly ...


"The bacteria streptococcus swine attack will cause initial signs are fever is very high. Next, the patient may have meningitis, pneumonia, liver failure, multiple organs failure. So patients infected with Streptococcus common in meningitis and possible septicemia or can combine both diseases. Patients can die if not treated early, "Dr Nguyen Van Kinh, said BS. Physicians Nguyen Hong Ha, deputy director BV The national tropical disease, said disease is dangerous because rapid evolution, within 12-24 hours could be very dangerous, the patient fell into shock due to infections septicemia.

Plate hemorrhage

Pathogenic virus is not spread from blue ear pig to human. But, when pigs are infected with the virus that causes the blue ear pig's health weakened, at this swine Streptococcus (often "reside" in the throat of the pig) will be stronger and cause disease. People eating or contact with infected pigs will become infected. The patients infected with Streptococcus heavy pigs were treated in hospital blood infections, pneumonia, meningitis with pus.

Hong Ha doctor recommended, with this disease, patients are not self-treatment at home, danger, because it easily confused with dengue fever (a rash caused by bleeding in the skin). Board of dengue fever is caused by small spots, while the situation by causing Streptococcus are the major segments of bleeding after deep black. In addition, the identification of people infected with Streptococcus easily confused with the situation difficult for meningitis and septicemia.

Need to know, after taking into contact with meat or pork, if you see symptoms of high fever, headache, vomiting a lot, sore throat, need immediate hospitalization. When slaughtering or destroying infected pigs must use protective gear. Absolutely no eating pork infected, undercooked meat.Swine streptococcus bacteria can live two weeks of pig waste in the environment and die out at high temperature or in an antiseptic substance.

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