Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Iraqi economic: the decision to ban import of poultry "premature"

05/18/2010 17:13

Baghdad, May 18 (Akaniwz) - The Economist Iraq, Tuesday, that the cabinet's recent decision to prevent the import of birds and eggs into the country, "premature" and called at the same time that the import mechanism Organization and not the prevention of random.

The economist said the LG KE Kurdistan News Agency (Akaniwz) that "the process of preventing the importation of birds of various kinds where the risk of many private and it will cause damage and clear wholesale poultry and Iraq will cost too much money."

The Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of Iraq, launched today, to prevent the import of live birds and raptors and decorations and table eggs from 18 countries for the prevention of pandemic avian influenza.

He explained, "it is necessary to give the Secretariat a clear solution to this problem is to develop the local breeding birds, particularly poultry, which is a major part of food in the country."

He added that LG Ke "This case will contribute to the confusion of the Iraqi market they were not the organization commensurate with its importance," stressing the "need to be preceded by measures to prevent import a number of moves to revitalize the role of the local market in the consumption of poultry."

The Council of Minister of Iraq, a list of countries banned imports of birds and eggs, namely: Bangladesh, Benin, Cambodia, China, Germany, Hong Kong, India, and the cups, Poland, Togo, Thailand, Ukraine, Britain, Vietnam, Nigeria, South Korea , Egypt, and Japan.

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