Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Appear strange pneumonia

08:19 20/05/2010

City - Central Tropical Disease Hospital (Hanoi) received treatment for three patients are particularly pregnant women and have suffered pneumonia strange that all tests are unknown causes. Meanwhile, the status of many children with chronic respiratory hospital admissions also occurred at Children's Hospital T.U.

Pneumonia of unknown cause to attack pregnant women

At the special isolation room Emergency Department - Treatment of active (Central Tropical Diseases Hospital) of patients being treated for Dong Thi Xoan (19 years old in Hai Phong), pregnancy at 24 weeks. Her small twisted animal body, no facial expression what's life without a pile of wires connected from the "C ventilator in the nose and throat patients.

Xoan patients hospitalized in a state of severe respiratory failure, taking two X-ray shows lung damage, translucent white. Doctor Nguyen, vice dean Intermediate Emergency Medical - Treatment for positive, patients were treated with APRV mode, a new form of ventilation is used sedatives, muscle relaxants may help patients mucus order to reduce airway obstruction, and lung damage can be forewarned if you have suddenly.

In the next room treatment, the patient, Nguyen Thi My Linh (23 years old, in Hanoi) is slowly recovering after overcoming illness danger. Patients hospitalized during the 34th week of pregnancy in a state of severe lung injury. In a week the doctors did everything but no tests to detect patients with pneumonia due to any causes. By week 35 of pregnancy, the patient suddenly gave birth to baby boy weighing 1.7 kg. Soon after the infant was brought to the treatment of premature Surgeons at Children's Hospital and development.

Doctor Nguyen Hong Ha - Deputy Director of the Hospital for these patients were hospitalized in multiple organs failure status, blood pressure trapped (not measured), especially severe respiratory failure, two white lung, high risk of death. All patients were placed windpipe and breathing machine immediately. Blood gas test showed that patients who lacked blood oxygenation. Dr. Ha, here are symptoms of pneumonia severe acute respiratory failure progression (ARDS).

Numerous tests, but all these patients were negative for the flu and could not find a root cause. World Health office records of patients with symptoms of ARDS have high mortality rate to 30-60%. Prior to that hospital doctors had to treat patients with severe pneumonia but knows the origin (due to H5N1 or H1N1 virus causes). This is the first treatment of severe pneumonia without finding the root cause.

Doctors must treat patients according to type of enclosure, ie treating the symptoms of the disease. Most difficult for patients who are newly pregnant pregnant women were rescued recently developed to ensure safe pregnancy. There are only pregnant women have a breathing machine, two other pregnant women disease progression toward recovery. All three patients were hospitalized later said should take samples for testing for viruses is difficult.

Cross-infection diseases

Erratic weather in recent days that the number of children hospitalized for respiratory tract infections is high. Among the many children who died had not a few children die from pneumonia infection plus deficit syndrome ARDS, ie, cross-infection syndrome patients in a hospital environment pollution.

Corridor before the department, Central Hospital rooms almost always crowded waiting or awaiting admission visits for treatment of children. In a few months back, the number of patients to medical examination and treatment of respiratory diseases including pneumonia increased rapidly. In science, respiratory therapy of children lying in a month to around 800 children, most between the ages of three to five months old.

Two common diseases in pediatric patients is lung bronchitis, acute and primary bronchial asthma. Of these, at least the baby was hospitalized several times since their birth. Hospitalized in a state of pneumonia, after a treatment period but not out, many children will be moving back down in the scientific treatment as worse-Emergency Department.

Worrying thing is in the process of examination and treatment from reality, the doctors noticed a lot of cases when patients have to institute changes in severe or even just the disease but the disease progresses rapidly. It is also the reason why many hospitalized children will just have to breathe oxygen.

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