Thursday, February 4, 2010

Indonesia, East Java: Ponorgo-H5N1 -75 chickens died suddenly

Thursday, 04 Februari 2010

PONOROGO - The attack of bird flu in Ponorogo increasingly mengganas. A day yesterday (3 / 2), found 75 chickens died suddenly. From the results of agricultural research services (disperta) the local chickens died of the H5N1 virus positive. Conclusion''while the chicken is bird flu,''the light of Livestock Development Kasi Disperta Andi Susetyo, yesterday.

Chicken sudden death cases occurred in Kelurahan Beduri, Ponorogo District (City). Precisely in Glatik Road and Crane Road. Road Glatik recorded 45 chickens died suddenly. Chickens are dead in the morning without previous symptoms. The cranes are on the Road 30 chickens died suddenly. ''All the chicken that was immediately burned and buried,''he said.

For the surviving chickens it directly to the isolation. The goal, to avoid contracting the virus dead chickens. ''In theory, it should have turned off all the chicken, but because farmers can not ya just finally isolated,''he explained.

Similar expressed M Rodisun, disperta field officers. In addition to the process of culling and isolation, it also conducts spraying disinfectant in the livestock pen. In addition, disinfectants are also distributed to some farmers. Spraying''done to viruses and bacteria can not spread,''he said.

Bird flu cases have also occurred in Kelurahan Nologaten. Dozens of residents of livestock chickens died suddenly. Having done the research, the chicken was allegedly attacked by the H5N1 virus. In addition to the urban, the virus that can infect humans that has spread in many rural areas. As in the case findings and Kauman Jenangan.

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