Thursday, June 18, 2009

Egyptian and Lebanese detained at Cairo airport

The quarantine authorities at Cairo International Airport today, Thursday, 4 to isolate passengers suspected of contracting the influenza epidemic the world, "swine flu", where they showed symptoms of infection after the signing of the medical examination and after their arrival in Cairo International Airport.

وتم نقل رايا كرامة نضال (5 سنوات ـ لبنانية) وعزل والدتها إميليا يوسف أنطوان (37 سنة) باعتبارها مخالطة لها، وكانتا قادمتين على متن طائرة خطوط طيران الشرق الأوسط من بيروت، وكذلك عزل شهد أحمد محمد (سنة وشهرين ـ مصرية) بعد تبين ارتفاع درجة حرارتها وعزل والدتها هبة مجدى (23 سنة) قادمتان من الكويت على طائرة خطوط الطيران الوطنية، وتم نقلهن جميعا لمستشفى الحميات بالعباسية.

May was the transfer of the dignity of the struggle (5 years for the Lebanese) and the isolation of her mother, Emilia, Antoine Joseph (37 years) as the contact with them, and they were coming on board the plane airline of the Middle East, Beirut, as well as to isolate saw Mohamed Ahmed (Egyptian-year and two months) after showing high temperature and the isolation of her mother the gift of M. (23 years) coming from Kuwait on a national airline, has been transferred to hospital, all diets بالعباسية.

كما تم فحص جميع الركاب القادمين على متن الطائرتين وتبين سلامتهم، كما تم تسجيل بياناتهم لمراقبتهم صحيا من خلال المناطق الطبية التابعة لهم.

Also been examined and all the passengers coming on board the aircraft and found safety, was also recorded their statements to the health surveillance through the medical district of them.

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