Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Egypt: Survey warming SALLUM port is not working

Fears of the spread of plague in the absence of the use of the device ..

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 - 12:51

He Rateb Taher, a member of the local province is the town of Salloum, for the seventh day, the system thermal survey, which was installed during the visit of Dr. Hatem el-Gabali, Minister of Health is not working now, and are disclosed on the travelers in the regular routes by measuring the temperature, which poses a threat in the case of the passage of a plague-positive disease, and the process of signing a disclosure is not on a regular basis to all travelers.

يذكر أن الدكتور حاتم الجبلى وزير الصحة، قرر صرف حوافز بواقع 600% للعاملين بالحجر والعزل الصحى بمنفذ السلوم خلال زيارته للمنفذ يوم الأربعاء الماضى، وتفقد الوزير خلال الزيارة الحجر الصحى بالمنفذ وعملية تشغيل جهاز المسح الحرارى، كما تفقد الجبلى عملية التطهير ورش السيارات القادمة من ليبيا.

Is noteworthy that Dr. Hatem el-Gabali, Minister of Health, the disbursement of incentives at 600% of the stone workers and quarantine SALLUM port during his visit to the port on Wednesday last, and during the visit, the minister inspected the quarantine port and operation of a thermal survey, also inspected the process of cleansing the mountain car workshops coming from Libya .

فى حين لم يقم الدكتور حاتم الجبلى بزيارة مستشفى السلوم المركزى، والوقوف على مدى احتياج المستشفى للأجهزة والمستلزمات الطبية اللازمة لمرضى مدينة السلوم، تحسبا لظهور حالات مصابة بمرض الطاعون القادمة من ليبيا، مما آثار غضب عدد كبير من المواطنين بمدينة السلوم.

While Dr. Hatem has not visited the mountain SALLUM Central Hospital, and to determine the need for hospital equipment and medical supplies for patients SALLUM city, in anticipation of the emergence of cases infected with the plague to come from Libya, which raised the hackles of a large number of citizens in SALLUM.

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