Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Egypt: Mahala - 3 suspected of BF

Been detained Bhmyat Mahala
3 suspected bird flu infected meeting Sunday attended by

Tuesday, June 16, 2009 - 13:00

Mahala held hospital admitted 3 new cases of suspected infected with avian influenza were confined to the places allocated to it for sure when the extent of illness or not.

حيث تم احتجاز عبد الرحمن فتحى يوسف (15 سنة) طالب من قرية كفردمرو مركز المحلة ومحمد فتحى يوسف البسطويسى 7( سنوات) تلميذ من كفردمرو ونزرا عبد العاطى عبد الغفار (11 سنة) تلميذة من منطقة الرجبى بأول المحلة.

Where Abdel Rahman was detained Fathi Yusuf (15 years) students from the village of Mahala Kferdmro Center, and Mohamed Fathi Youssef Bastawisi 7 (years) and students from a tiny Kferdmro Abdulati Abdul Ghaffar (11 years old) pupils from the rugby first place.

تم أخذ عينة دم ومسحة حلق من المرضى وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية الخاصة بوزارة الصحة، كما تم إعطاؤهم عقار التايمفلو.

Blood samples were taken and the melancholy hours of the patients and sent to labs central Ministry of Health, has also been given the drug Altaymflo.

صرح بذلك الدكتور عصام عثمان مدير إدارة الطب الوقائى بمديرية الصحة بالغربية. Said Dr. Essam Othman, Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine, Directorate of Health meeting Sunday attended.

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