Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Egypt: Concerns the exchange of genes between normal and swine influenza

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 - 14:47

Dr. Muhammad warned Hasmudin Professor Almikropouljy Research Center Altanasliat and fungi, it is an exchange between Jenny and the swine flu virus, influenza virus, which is normal in between the Egyptians in the winter, which is the very serious attention it should from now, it is possible that the disease is transmitted from one person to another due to faster exchange.

وطلب حسام الدين بتشكيل مجلس أعلى لمقاومة الأوبئة وأنفلونزا الخنازير، خاصة أننا مقبلون على مرض الطاعون والحمى القلاعية، وفى ظل التخوف من ظهور حالات كوليرا، وهو ما أرجعه حسام الدين إلى التلوث الشديد فى البيئة وانتشار القمامة والمخلفات العضوية بشكل كبير.

Hasmudin requested the formation of a Supreme Council for the resistance and the swine flu epidemic, especially as we are heading to the disease and the plague of foot and mouth disease, under the fear of the emergence of cases of cholera, which is attributed Hasmudin to severe pollution in the environment and the proliferation of garbage and organic waste significantly.

وأكد أستاذ الميكروبولجى أن المركز بدأ يرصد بعض الطحالب التى بدأت تنشط بشكل كبير، وهى المجموعة المسماة بـ"الخضراء الزرقاوية"، وهى موجودة فى الألبان التى يشربها الناس، وأنه لم يتم التوصل حتى الآن إلى خطورة هذه الطحالب.

The professor began Almikropouljy to monitor the status of some algae, which began operating in large, a group of so-called "green Alzerquaouip", which is found in milk that people drink, and that he had not been reached so far to the seriousness of these algae.

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