Friday, May 22, 2009

Veterinary Services announces 8 infection of bird flu farms

Caption: Hotbeds of avian influenza are concentrated in Kalyobiya

A report from the veterinary services, the fourth national campaign of immunization against bird flu in rural education during the period from November 1, 2008 until May 14 this amounted to 45 million and 862 thousand birds in all governorates of the republic, and stressed that detection of infected farms during the 8 this month, including 5 in the county of Qaliubiya, 2 of 6 October and one in Alexandria.

وقال التقرير، الذى حصل اليوم السابع على نسخة منه، إن عدد البؤر التى تم اكتشافها منذ بداية العام 2009 وحتى مايو الجارى، بلغت 86 بؤرة، وشهد شهر إبريل الماضى أكبر ظهور للمرض فى عدد كبير من المحافظات، حيث ظهرت 22 بؤرة، وشهد شهر يناير ظهور10 بؤر، وفبراير 19 بؤرة، كما شهد شهر مارس ظهور 21 بؤرة، وخلال مايو الجارى ظهرت 14 بؤرة مصابة بالمرض فى محافظات الأقصر والغربية والقليوبية والمنوفية وسوهاج و6 أكتوبر والإسكندرية والشرقية وكفر الشيخ.

The report, which was the seventh day a copy of which was that the number of spots that have been discovered since the beginning of the year 2009 and until May, the 86 focus, and the month of April saw the largest outbreak of the disease in a large number of provinces, where the focus of 22, saw the beginning of January the emergence of 10 spots, and the focus of February 19th, the month of March also saw the emergence of the center 21, and appeared in the May 14, with the focus of the disease in the provinces of Luxor and the West and Monoufia Qalubia, Sohag and October 6, Alexandria, Kafr El-Sheikh and the East.

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