Thursday, May 14, 2009

Suspected cases of bird flu called Fayyoum

Caption: Health declares emergency in anticipation of the spread of avian influenza
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - 13:57

Detained students Fayyoum fever hospital on suspicion of bird flu, after showing symptoms of cough and shortness of breath and high temperatures, entered Ibrahim Mohamed (student 18 years old) from a bad Bashir Hospital Center Fayyoum fever after the emergence of symptoms similar to bird flu Accordingly, the sample was taken from the young man and sent to labs central Ministry of Health for analysis.

ومن جانب آخر، صرح مصدر طبى بالفيوم بأن المواطن مغربى ربيع على (30 سنة) من قرية أبوشنب بمركز أبشواى بالفيوم، والذى تم احتجازه للاشتباه بإصابته بمرض الملاريا، وذلك بعد ما تبين أنه عائد من السودان وظهرت أعراض المرض عليه، بأن نتيجة التحاليل جاءت سلبية.

On the other hand, a medical source said that the Fayyoum spring on the Moroccan citizen (30 years) from the village of vast portions of the status of Obcoay Fayoum, who had been detained on suspicion of afflicted with malaria, after it is found that the return from the Sudan, showed symptoms of the disease, that the outcome of tests were negative .

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