Thursday, May 21, 2009

Qinghai to take effective measures to prevent and control bird flu outbreak closely


新华网西宁5月20日电(记者张进林)记者20日下午从青海省重大动物疫病防治指挥部获悉,近期,这个省的 海南藏族自治州更尕海地区发生H5N1型高致病性禽流感后,当地各级政府及防疫部门采取多种有 效措施,严密 防控禽流感疫情蔓延扩散。

Xining, China May 20 (Xinhua Zhang Lin)'s Qinghai Province on the 20th afternoon from a major animal disease prevention and control headquarters was informed that recently, the province of Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture occurred more Gahai type of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1, the the local epidemic prevention departments at all levels of government and adopt a variety of effective measures to close the spread of bird flu prevention and control of proliferation.

5月18日,农业部正式对外公布:青海省海南藏族自治州更尕海地区发生候鸟高致病性禽流感疫情 。

May 18, the Ministry of Agriculture officially announced: Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province Gahai region is more highly pathogenic bird flu migratory birds.

记者20日从青海省重大动物疫病防治指挥部了解到,截止到19日,更尕海疫区已累计死亡候鸟199只,其中 凤头鸊鷉177只、斑头雁7只、棕头鸥11只、鱼鸥4只。

20 reporters from major animal disease prevention and control in Qinghai Province headquarters that ended on the 19th, but Gahai epidemic has killed 199 birds, of which 177 ruficollis crested grebe, Bar-headed Goose 7, 11 gull Larus fish gulls 4.


20, also found a local Phoenix, has been sent to the National Avian Influenza Reference Laboratory Testing.

据了解,禽流感疫情发生后,青海省省、州、县各级政府及卫生防疫部门迅速行动,采取多种有效措施,严密防护 禽流感蔓延扩散:青海省重大动物疫病防治指挥部工作组现场驻点指导开展商情处置工作;启动州、县高致病性禽 流感应急预案并对疫区进行了封锁;在出入疫区的主要交通路口设立了4个临时公路消毒检查站,对出入车辆进行 严格消毒,严禁无关人员出入疫区;为防止家禽感染,州、县农业部门抽调专业人员扑杀疫区家禽,目前已扑杀家 禽2.1万多只,并进行了焚烧、深埋等无害化处理;对受威胁区域内的家禽进行强化免疫,已累计 免疫家禽2. 3万多只。

It is understood that the bird flu outbreak, the Qinghai provincial, state and county levels of government and health and epidemic prevention departments to act promptly, to take a wide range of effective measures to close the spread of avian flu protection: a major animal disease prevention and control in Qinghai Province Working Group headquarters site Business guide to cover the disposal of the work carried out; start state and county of highly pathogenic avian influenza contingency plans for a blockade of the affected areas; access to affected areas in the main traffic junctions of the establishment of four temporary highway checkpoint disinfection of vehicles from strict disinfection of infected areas is prohibited from unrelated persons; to prevent infected poultry, state, county agricultural sector professional staff culling poultry affected areas, poultry have been culled just over 21,000, and a burning, deep, such as non - of dealing with victims; of threatened birds in the region to strengthen the immunity, has more than 23,000 poultry immunization only.

与此同时,青海省重大动物疫病防治指挥部还紧急调拨防护服、口罩、手套、胶鞋等防护用品,配备 一线防控人员 ,严防人感染禽流感。

At the same time, a major animal disease prevention and control in Qinghai Province is also an emergency allocation of command protective clothing, masks, gloves, shoes and other protective equipment, prevention and control with front-line personnel, to prevent human infection with avian influenza.

5月18日至19日,农业部督查组对疫区疫情处置情况进行了检查指导,对青海省采取的防控措施 给予肯定。

May 18-19, the Ministry of Agriculture inspection teams to dispose of the epidemic areas to carry out an inspection guidance on the prevention and control measures in Qinghai Province to take the affirmative. 经普查,目前青海省尚未发现家禽出现疫情。 After the census, the current emergence of Qinghai outbreak has not yet been found in poultry.
hat-tip Shiloh

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