Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Health put 12 people under observation meeting Sunday attended by

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - 13:40

The development of the Directorate of Health meeting Sunday attended by 12 people from the spread of swine flu infection for fear of being infected with the disease, and show symptoms after the quarantine management to send the names and addresses of 12 cases.

الحالات قادمة من النمسا وآيرلندا الشمالية وجنوب أفريقيا وبتسوانا وفرنسا وإيطاليا وجميع هذه الحالات من مركز ومدينة السنطة، تم وضعهم تحت الملاحظة المستمرة والمراقبة الصحية والعلاجية من جانب مديرية الطب الوقائى بمديرية الصحة..

Cases coming from Austria and Northern Ireland, South Africa, Botswana, France, Italy and all of these cases Alsentp city center, was placed under constant observation and monitoring of health and treatment by the Department of Preventive Medicine Department of Health ..

كما تمت متابعة حالتهم لمدة 10 أيام كاملة هم والمخالطون لهم والتنبيه عليهم بعرض أنفسهم على أقرب مستشفى حميات فى
حالة ظهور أى أعراض مرضية عليهم.

As their follow-up for 10 full days are Almkhataiwn them and alert them introduced themselves to the nearest hospital fevers in the case of any symptoms to them.

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