Thursday, May 28, 2009

Egypt: Singapore and Bahrain in the quarantine at Cairo airport

Dr. Hassan Shaaban, Managing Director of the quarantine at Cairo International Airport, in the special permit for the seventh day, the WHO advised the quarantine, a state of Singapore and Bahrain as part of its sphere of suspicion of avian influenza virus infected pigs, where the all the passengers coming to the medical examination procedures aggravated by the entry of the airport terminal, bringing the total to 48 by the State.

كما أضاف الدكتور حسن شعبان، أن الحجر الصحى استقبل أمس، الأربعاء، 3700 راكب قادمين من الدول التى حددتها منظمة الصحة العالمية، وتم خضوعهم جميعا للفحص الطبى، وتبين سلامتهم جميعا، كما تم تسجيل بياناتهم وأماكن إقامتهم فى مصر لمراقبتهم صحيا خلال فترة التواجد.

He also added Dr. Hassan Shaban, the quarantine was received yesterday, Wednesday, 3700 people from countries identified by WHO, has been subject to all of the medical examination, indicating the safety of all of us, was also recorded their statements and their places of residence in Egypt for the control of health during the period of presence.

يذكر أن مطار القاهرة تم تزويده حتى الآن بتسع كاميرات حرارية تعمل بالأشعة تحت الحمراء، لقياس درجة حرارة الركاب.

Recalled that the Cairo International Airport so far been provided with nine cameras, thermal infrared, to measure the temperature of passengers.

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