Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Egypt: Recruits of the symposium to raise awareness of avian and swine influenza airport

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 - 21:28

Police Department has established Cairo Airport Cairo International Airport, on Monday, a symposium to educate recruits to raise awareness of disease, swine flu, birds, which was attended by airport security chief and head of the Health Education Department in the cruise, medical as well as the number of doctors from the Departments of Veterinary and quarantine at Cairo International Airport.

وتناولت الندوة طرق انتقال العدوى بمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير والطيور، وكذلك الأعراض التى تظهر على المصاب بالفيروس وأعراض الأنفلونزا العادية والفرق بينهما، كما تم تحذيرهم من تربية الدواجن والخنازير وكذلك طرق الوقاية من المرض واكتشافه. The symposium addressed the ways of transmission of avian disease, pigs and birds, as well as the symptoms that appear on the virus, and influenza symptoms, the regular and the difference between them, have also been warned of poultry and pigs, as well as methods of prevention and detection of the disease.

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