Friday, May 29, 2009

Egypt: 5 new countries join the quarantine at Cairo airport

Friday, May 29, 2009 - 16:10

WHO has sent a letter today, Friday, it shall notify the Department of quarantine at Cairo International Airport by adding 5 new countries within the circle of suspicion of the coming of which is "the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, and Uruguay Aldmonic" subject to all arriving passengers, to the strict medical examination procedures, airport before entering the terminal, bringing the number of countries identified by WHO for 53 countries.

يأتى هذا فى إطار الإجراءات المشددة التى تتخذها إدارة الحجر الصحى بالمطار للكشف عن أى إصابات بفيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير لمنع دخولها للبلاد، عن طريق تسجيل جميع البيانات للمراقبة الصحية خلال تواجدها فى مصر، هذا بخلاف التوعية التى يقوم بها الحجر الصحى للمعتمرين المصريين، وذلك بتوزيع بيانات إرشادية عليهم لكيفية الوقاية من الفيروس وكيفية الحماية منه.

This comes within the framework of procedures undertaken by the Department of the airport's quarantine for the detection of any virus, swine flu infections to prevent their entry into the country, through the registration of all data to monitor the health through their presence in Egypt, apart from this awareness by the quarantine of the Egyptian pilgrims, by distributing data indicative them how to prevent HIV and how to protect it.

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