Thursday, May 21, 2009

During today's meeting .. Council of Ministers discussed developments in swine flu

Thursday, May 21, 2009 - 10:31

The Committee on crisis management and disaster information center and support the decision-making Council of Ministers, headed by Dr. Maged Osman on Thursday morning, a meeting to discuss the latest developments of bird flu, pigs worldwide, and attended by Major General Talat Hawwari Chairman of the Committee on the management of crises and disasters, a representative of the armed forces, and Dr. Ibrahim Abanndary Director Common Preventive Medicine and Veterinary Authority services supervisor on the file of swine flu, and Dr. Sayed, Assistant Minister of Health, Major General Ahmed Abdel Halim Shazly Chairman of the Central Administration for the Office of the Minister of Local Development.

من المقرر أن تعقد ندوة يناقش فيها ما تم عرضه فى الاجتماع السابق وكذلك عرض الموقف الحالى لتطورات انتشار مرض أنفلونزا الطيور والخنازير والإجراءات المتخذة من قبل وزراه الصحة.

Scheduled to hold a symposium to discuss what was presented at the previous meeting, as well as on the current position to combat the spread of bird flu, pigs and the actions taken by the Ministry of Health.

كما يعرض الدكتور إبراهيم البندارى مدير عام الطب الوقائى خطة وزارة الزراعة لمواجهة المرض، وأيضا آخر التقارير عما تم ذبحه وإعدامه فى المحافظات التسع.

Dr. Ibrahim also presents Abanndary the Director-General of Preventive Medicine and Department of Agriculture plan to cope with the disease, as well as the latest reports on what had been slaughtered and executed in nine governorates.

كما سيتم عرض الإجراءات المتخذة من جانب وزارة البيئة والتنمية والمحلية.

Also on display will be the actions taken by the Ministry of Environment and Development and local levels.

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