Saturday, May 23, 2009

Chickens drop dead without prior symptoms

Dozens Dead Mendadak Ekor Chicken
Friday, 22 May 2009, 19:16:00
CIAMIS, (PRLM) .- Dozens chicken in the Village / District Cimaragas, Ciamis District, suddenly found dead. The cause of death of chickens is in progress since early this week, still the mind Riddles for citizens, because death is not preceded with the pain. Suspected poultry deaths have reached a number of about 100 chickens, the consequences of bird flu (avian influenza).

Chickens that died suddenly occurred largely in Kampung Tunggal Rahayu, Village / District Cimaragas. Feared the incident would continue to be, because not all the chickens that died, does not burn or bury dead chickens. Even some people simply discard the chicken carcass in the river Citanduy.

Information gathered "PRLM" in Kampung Tunggal Rahayu, Friday (22 / 5) some of the chickens that died was found among the property Aan Rohyandi (45), Mamat (52), Indin, Ny. Aah, Ny. Nonoh, Ny. Enuk and other. Meanwhile, some residents were forced to evacuate ayamnya also to place a more secure votes. They worry that the chicken is healthy disease that causes sudden death of chicken in it.

According to Aan Rohyandi, death is not chicken didahului with signs of illness. Afternoon, continue, chickens look healthy, but the night has been found dead. Residents continued, just think of death is due to fight the disease attacks, similar to the ND (Newcastle Desease) or tetelo. "We tahunya be rude, just to see if the sign is different, because usually if the fight akan stiff neck, but this one does not. Siang healthy night of sudden death," said Aan, it is also justified Mamat

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