Saturday, April 25, 2009

SLP records fifth died of influenza

[There is a video, in Spanish, at the site, with this caption:
Video Fills health centers for fear of contagion
Dozens of patients with flu symptoms, to saturate clinical care, medical fence put up at their facilities

Saturday April 25, 2009

17:20 17:20

El Gobierno del Estado confirmó un quinto fallecimiento por influenza en la capital estatal y anunció la suspensión de clases desde preescolar hasta nivel superior.

The State Government confirmed a fifth death from influenza in the state capital and announced the suspension of classes from preschool to higher level.

Por su parte, la Arquidiócesis potosina emitió un comunicado para informar que la liturgia de la misa será modificada en razón de la epidemia de influenza: se suspende el saludo de la paz y el sacerdote dará la comunión en la mano de los feligreses, a quienes invita la iglesia a acudir con cubreboca a los servicios religiosos.

Meanwhile, the Archdiocese Potosina issued a statement to inform that the liturgy of the Mass will be modified because of the epidemic of influenza: suspending the greeting of peace and the priest gives communion in the hand of the parishioners, who invited to attend the church with cubreboca to religious services.

La Secretaría de Salud contabilizó ya 62 casos en nueve municipios de la entidad y de ellos cinco fallecimientos, todos en la capital.

The Ministry of Health recorded 62 cases and in nine municipalities of the entity and of those five deaths, all in the capital. -snip-

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