Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The patient Suspect was treated Intensive

Rabu, 08 April 2009

-the Patient had the initials ”FO”, pre-schoolers suspect (was expected) bird flu was 1.5 years old from Dharmasraya, still was coiled around by the infusion on all over the of his body. During Padang Ekspres monitored the condition for casualties yesterday, several nurses guarded that was assigned in the door in front of maintenance space of the Isolation of Instalasi Rawat Inap C Penyakit Dalam RS Dr M. Djamil Padang, did not permit this newspaper to enter, on the basis of the condition for the patient still was not different far from the condition during the first time in treated in the hospital.

The head of the Field of Layanan Medis RS Dr M. Djamil Padang, Irayanti said, his side was still continuing to carry out the intensive maintenance against the patient. However, the hospital still could not confirm whether the patient was quite positive was contaminated by this deadly virus. ”Perlu had results of the Labor Party test against the patient. This test usually takes up time 5 days till 1 week. But that was clear, the handling against the patient continued to be carried out by us was as maximal mungkin,” he said.

The couple's child Ngatemen and Marsiah this was suspected of suffering bird flu, after experiencing the high fever was accompanied breathless during the last three days. During the last time was checked, haemoglobin of the patient's blood was abnormal, only 9.5 with the number of leucocytes as far as 15,000. According to the medical expert, this indicated the existence of the infection in the patient's body. Ideally, the number of leucocytes in the human body necessarily 6,000-10,000.

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