Friday, April 10, 2009

Followed the National Workshop the Simulation of the response of the influenza Pandemic in Rantepao (the Part 1)

07 April 2009 09:40:52

1918, Spanish Flu caused 40 as far as 50 Million people to be killed To increase preparedness towards the occurrence of the Influenza Pandemic, recently was spread out the Nasional Simulasi Workshop of the Pandemi Influenza response in Rantepao, Kabupaten Toraja Utara, Provinsi South Sulawesi. What of Pandemi Influenza and Pernahkah happened in Indonesia?

The report: Yonathan, Toraja Utara the History recorded, the influenza Pandemic had happened in the world totalling 3 times that is Spanish Flu or Spanish Flu that was caused by the virus H1N1 in 1918, Asian Flu that as a result of by H2N2 during 1957 and Hong Kong Flu that was caused by the Virus H3N2 in 1968. The Influenza pandemic that happened 1918 it was estimated caused approximately 40 as far as 50 million people to die. The influenza pandemic was still threatening the world, moreover by spreading him the plague of Bird Flu that was caused by the virus H5N1. What the Influneza Pandemic? The co-ordinator the Surveilans Field and Monitoring, Komisi Nasional (Komnas) the Control of Bird Flu and Menghadapi Pandemi Influenza Preparedness (FBPI), Dr.drh.Heru Setijanto said, the pandemic was an epidemic (the illness that increased sharply outside from the normal incident) that happened in the wide territory, or happened all over the world.

The Influenza pandemic that was caused by Spanish Flu according to Setijanto also had stricken Indonesia in the Dutch colonisation period and in the period 1911 till 1939 diperkirakaan 250,000 people died because of the virus H1N1 this. "This Spanish flu also it was estimated struck Toraja at the time that by the community was known by the name of felt Bia," said Setijanto to the Pos Bird Of Paradise after giving material to the Nasional Simulasi Workshop of the Pandemi Influenza response in the Misiliana Rantepao Hotel, Kabupaten Toraja Utara, Provinsi South Sulawesi. Said, the condition for the occurrence of the pandemic that is the emergence of a sub-type of the new influenza virus that could infect humankind. This new virus could cause the serious illness in humankind and was easy to spread from humankind to humankind.

Spread him the case of Bird Flu (Avian Influenza) that was caused by the virus H5N5 that his spreading entered the third phase (the spread from the poultry to humankind) was a threat. "If this was not handled seriously by all the components, then could cause the occurrence pandemi,"tambah him." It was related that this threat, Unicef co-operated the Nasional Commission (Komnas) the Control of Bird Flu and Menghadapi Pandemi Influenza Preparedness (FBPI) and the Canada Government held the Nasional Simulasi Workshop of the Pandemi Influenza response in the Misiliana Rantepao Hotel, Kabupaten Toraja Utara, Provinsi South Sulawesi, that took place 2 till April 4 2009.

In the activity that joined by medical participants from the Papua Province, Papua Barat, the Moluccas and South Sulawesi, apart from sending the reporter the Pos Bird Of Paradise, Unicef Perwakilan of the Papua Province also sent 4 other participants that is, Kompol Yulianus Bwariat from Regional Police Papua, Benyamin Tan Imbiri, SH, from the Perhubungan Provinsi Papua Service, Yakomina Imbiri from the Bureau of Empowerment of the Woman the Papua Province and Abdul M. Petonengan, SE from PDAM Jayapura. How when this pandemic happened, what must be done?

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